KOOKA, Your Runway Toward Success


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KOOKA Technology Corporation

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UVC tunnels from Dinies Technologies GmbH are standing for a high quality and high efficient sanitizing and disinfection solution, which are used in many applications and industries. The most common appliation is to use the uv tunnel as a sanitizing and disinfection channel into the high-care production areas, like in the food industry, medical industry or pharmaceutical industry.








Dalmec Industrial Manipulator

Dalmec became synonymous with ergonomic, safe and effective handling of objects of different shape and consistency, from a minimum weight of 12 kg to a maximum of 1500 kg in industrial manipulator segmment.








for general inudstries :






BRAVI Mobile Platform

BRAVI Mobile Platforms is a globally recognized and respected mobile platform production company today, a pioneer of the creation of more efficient and safer methods to work at low heights.









Interflon manufactures high performance lubricants, cleaners and hardware. Our purpose is to help you to move forward in a constantly evolving world with innovative lubrication solutions. We operate in more than 50 countries, servicing over 135.000 clients in all kinds of industries. Our headquarters are in Roosendaal, the Netherlands. We give the market a new working method: we reframe Technical Maintenance.








ROSTA comprise Rubber Suspension-, Oscillating- and Tensioning-Technology. A wide range of standard elements of Rubber Suspension Elements are used for anti-vibration mounts and elastic torsion mounts. These are used in multiple industries for springing, damping and supporting.

Our Oscillating Elements cover all possible industrial application. Mainly used in the conveyor technology. They are an integrational part of any screen, sifter, conveyor trough and discharge feeder.






iCRÜSHER 大力仕壓扁器


做對社會有益的事情  也可以從小地方做起 !


勿以善小而不為 !


 隨手一壓 空間增加 (垃圾筒可多出50 ~ 80%的使用空間)

 隨手一壓 空閒增加 (垃圾筒滿的慢 不用常倒垃圾)

 隨手一扁 荷包立省 (垃圾壓扁變小 省下許多垃圾袋)

 隨手一扁 碳排立省 (提高運輸效率 減少空氣污染與碳排放)